SY049LDM01 is a 0.49 inch diagonal Si-OLED display screen product from SeeYA, it self emiting.SY049LDM01 supports display 1920×1080 (FHD) with aspect ratio of 16:9 (W:H), whose pixels are arranged in Sub-Pixel Rendering, it's pixel density is 3692 PPI.It features active area of 10.783(W)×6.065(H) mm, outline size of 15.68(W)×9.09(H)×1.6(D) mm, net weight of 1.00g (Max.). SY049LDM01 can provides 3000 cd/m² display brightness 50000:1 transimissive contrast ratio, best view direction on Symmetry .
Screen Size:0.49 inch
High Resolution OLED Panel
Refresh Rate:90Hz
-High contrast
-Wide color gamut
-Quick response
-Sunlight Readable
-Brightness:3000 (Typ.)
-Operating Temp. :-20 ~ 70 °C
-Storage Temp. :-40 ~ 80 °C
More SKU To Choose
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-SY049LDM01+5B0049H02 HDMI
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-SY049LDM01+5B0049T02 Type-C
Head-mounted Displays, Viewfinders, Small Display,AR VR etc.
As one of the Pioneers within microdisplays products, Youritech have pushed energy efficiency to the edge, delivering high-performance Near-Eye Displays (NED) for a wide range of products, that include video glasses, head-mounted sports devices, camera viewfinders, medical applications, and many other professional devices worldwide.
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