LQ156T3LW05 Sharp15.6 Inch TFT LCD Display 1366x768 LVDS LCD Screen For Gaming
TM040YDHG32-00 Original 4 Inch TFT LCD Display 480x800 MIPI High Brightness LCD Panel
Sharp LS012B7DD06A 1.2 Inch Circular Display 240x240 Sunlight Readable Round LCD For Wearable
COM37H3M77ULC Ortustech 3.7 Inch TFT LCD Display 480×640 Sunlight Readable Transflective LCD Module
At Youritech, we design and manufacture standard, semi-custom and full custom LCD/OLED display modules,touch screen,driver board,open frame. Contact us today,let our engineering team quickly and accurately feedback you with details.